Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Event Review: "Curves Gives Back" Holiday Party

Hi everyone! I hope that the holiday season is treating you all well and that you're in the presence of loved ones (or will be soon). Personally, I've been working my a$$ off and multi-tasking most of the days. This season I've realized that I absolutely despise shopping around this time of year. I've lucky found one key: go shopping either late at night or very early in the morning! I found this to be very successful after making a late night stop on the way back to NYC from Boston after the Patriots/Dolphins game last week! The store was populated, but not too crowded (it was midnight) and the lines moved quickly! 

Why was I one the road shopping at midnight? Easy, I had an event to be at the next evening and wouldn't have time to shop during the day. What event was it? It was a wonderful party/toy drive sponsored by a collaboration between Plus Model Magazine, Ashley Stewart, and Full Figured Fashon Week. The event, nicely named #CurvesGiveBack, was a nice holiday party that took place a small venue in midtown. Each guest was asked to bring an unwrapped toy, which would be donated to the Alex House Project and Children of Bellevue Organization, which I only knew a little bit about (go read about what they do!). I absolutely love supporting charity events, so when I got the invite I decided to get more than one gift. I bought a gift for a young boy, one for a young girl, and a non gender-specific gift (everyone loves "Connect Four"!). I can't stress enough how happy I was to see some of the biggest names in the full figured/plus size community giving back. I'm always on board for charity events, so if you're interested in having me perform, host, or attend an event for a worthy cause, be sure to contact me!

photo courtesy of Rick Jones Photography
Of course I was not able to leave work early, so I knew that I would not be at the event at the beginning. I have an hour-long commute to work, and when I got home I still had to do my makeup, get dressed, and head back to midtown, so we're talking about a four hour process in total! I chose to wear a cute little black dress covered in fishnet that I bought a while ago from Curvaceous Boutique, but never has a chance to wear. I paired them with a pair of gold studded booties from Torrid and sported some awesome pantyhose from The Ice Cream Lady (which I am totally addicted to after FFFW 2014). As I was arriving, some friends were outside getting some fresh air and they warned me that it was hot inside, but that the vibe was great. Upon entering the party it was hot as hell, but that was because there were so many people dancing, smiling, taking pictures, and looking fabulous! I handed over the toys I brought to donate and headed over to the bar. I was expecting your basic cocktail party beverages, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was wine from Sweet Bitch Wine (which I had before at another event) and some tasty desserts courtesy of Gift of Gab Events. 
In attendance was the who's who of the full figured community. The Ashley Stewart corporate marketing team was there in full force (including the president!), the brains, brawn and beauty of the Plus Model Magazine team was there (shout out to Madeleine Jones and Marcy Cruz), and a host of bloggers, models, stylists, and photographers were on hand as well. The vibe was electric. We danced, we smiled, we took silly pics, we instagrammed, and we all enjoyed each other's presence. It was a wonderful event for a great cause and I'm so glad that I was able to attend. I tip my hat (well, my wig!) to Plus Model Magazine, Ashley Stewart, and Full Figured Fashion Week on hosting a successful event! Below are some pictures that I was able to take during the evening. That's it for now y'all. Be well, and remember: being beautiful is not just about what you wear! 


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